Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Crazy Things Kids Say and Do!

The other day I went to the doctor for the baby and realized I didn't have much time left before the baby came, so we decided to make a trip to Target to get some things we needed. I wanted to get a new pack n play, and a few other things. Me and the boys were all on our own so I relied on Jackson and Conner's help. I had the pack n play in the cart along with a few other things a bar stool so I could cut the boys hair better and I also decided to buy a office chair for my new desk I bought a few weeks ago. I had Jackson pushing the cart with the office chair and I pushed the other. Later that day I was on the phone with Mike telling him that I didn't think I wanted that chair and Jackson says " well I wish that I would have known that and I wouldn't have pushed it around the store I would just as well have left it there" he listens to his Dad way too much and that is such a Mike comment. Jackson is getting so big it scares me. He will be starting 1st grade soon and I am having major anxiety about it. I have never been away from him for that long day after day he will be eating lunch with out us each day. I know he is ready for it, now I just need to be. As soon as we get to church each Sunday Grayson says class I want to go to class. Then as soon as the first prayer is said in Sacrament he says Amen really loud and follows it with Done class now. I know there is so many other things that I have had on my mind but, nothing is coming to me so I guess I need to write it down for next time.

1 comment:

  1. Jackson is so funny! Good luck with another little Mike running around. :)
