Friday, February 19, 2010

Random Thoughts

So I have been a big slacker in the blogging world. I apologize for that, I have had major blogger's block no ideas! I will write and have pic's very soon. I will go ahead and share a few things that my great boys have been saying lately. The other day I did Jack's hair in a faux hawk it looked really cute I thought. When he came home from school I asked him how did you like your dew and he said " it is really not my style I just don't think I can pull it off" Where does he get this stuff! I have to apologize for this next part but, I have 5 boys and there dad has taught them to be really proud of there poop. Grayson went to the bathroom and when he was done he gets all excited and shows me. "look mom a candy cane I pooped out a candy cane!". He went on to saying it usually looks like a snake but, today it is a candy cane! Max's new game is we ask him where each of our family member's are and he points and says there. For a long time we would say where is momma and he would point to daddy and say there. This made me very upset. All I wanted him to do is point to me but no such luck. Then he changed it and when we would ask where is mama he would point to the door and say bye-bye. Now finally he will point to me. He is starting to talk a lot more and we are really enjoying that! Now if we could just get him to sleep through the night. Conner has started to bring books home from school. I am very proud to say he is doing really well at that. He is such a great helper and has done so well at listening and doing his chores around the house. He is still the winner when it comes to his buck stash. He gets up every morning and gets dressed and makes his bed on his own each day! Xander well he is growing like a weed! He started eating mush a couple of weeks ago and sometimes enjoys that. I will have another post very soon with pictures of him and a lot of updates. He has changed soooo much. Until then goodbye.

1 comment:

  1. Kids say the darndest things! It's so funny when kids sound so grown up! Jack's comment is hilarious. How did Gray manage a candy cane? I think that kids don't know the word "Mama" because the mama is always with them talking about everyone else and pointing them out. I'm pretty sure Erin can say "Dada" (though it's a subject that's much debated), she can't even make a "m" sound very well, she has to concentrate really hard. Just start talking more about yourself! As far as sleeping goes, the only thing that really has worked for us at all is just letting her cry! Very sad, but it works! Looking forward to more pics!
